Heartworm Facts
This article on heartworm was reprinted with permission from Jan Rasmusen. Heartworms are Spread by Mosquitoes. Heartworm Meds are Spread by Fear. It’s getting warmer outside — time for sellers of heartworm medications to start scaring you to death. Television and print ads, which used to push meds only during warm summer months, now urge you to keep your dog on medication year round.... -
Animal Communication
The Pet Health and Nutrition Center Family has for years incorporated animal communication into our holistic lifestyle as one of the useful tools that joins others such as a species appropriate diet and organic, whole food supplementation in caring for our own companion animals. We thought it was time to bring you more detailed information on how Animal Communication can help you and your... -
How to Feed Your Cat
We recommend a whole food diet over processed food. Generally, a biologically appropriate raw food diet is our first choice for cats. In an attempt to make it easier for people who wish to home prepare a diet for their cats I have boiled down the basics to a percentage formula: 80% - animal products (meat, dairy, eggs, raw bones)10% - organ meats10%- vegetables...