My 6 y/o dog, Molli, suffers with chronic IBD. I rescued her over two years ago. It took those two years to get to the bottom of her medical issues. We had visited several different vets from Arizona to Vermont. After getting the runaround from vets and nutritionists- a couple of them claiming "there's simply nothing wrong, just indigestion"- we landed in CT and got a proper diagnosis after our first GI Blood Panel. So... Now what? Our new vet is on board and giving us information about what this is and why it could be happening, but ultimately leaving it up to me to come up with a consistent plan to manage Molli's condition.
That's where the Pet Health and Nutrition Center comes in. I emailed them and received a prompt reply full of detailed information, assurances, and answers. Molli has been on the core recommendations for IBD for a couple months now and the difference is remarkable. She has gained her lost weight back, hasn't had a single IBD symptom since, and her energy levels are consistent with what they were on her best days.
On top of this, she has been suffering from incontinence for a year. We've been trying the Female Incontinence and have been able to scale back her Proin to half of the daily amount and anticipate completely phasing it out in the next couple weeks.
We use the Diarrhea Relief, Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics, Repair and Strengthen, Daily Multi Plus, Female Incontinence, Bio Preparation Microalgae Supplement, Topical Probiotic Spray, and Internal Powder.
Molli and I love The Pet Health and Nutrition Center and know that you will too.