Linda Feci

Our boy, Murray walked into our lives as a stray about 8 years ago. We had no intentions of becoming a 2 dog family, but something in my husband told him to give it a try. Since then, we've never had a day of regret. In fact, we can't imagine our lives without him. As the years went by, Murray developed several serious disorders: Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Immune-Mediated Thrombocytopenia and the worst, IMHA, a potential death sentence that was diagnosed a few months ago. He stopped eating and drinking, so giving him medicine was rough on his stomach. He had a fever and only wanted to stay outside, laying in the snow. He had no energy and walking was an effort. His red blood count continued to drop and one Sunday morning, he was disoriented and his tongue and gums were white. We rushed him to a hospital for an immediate transfusion. He was there almost a week, not improving enough to give us hope. His blood count went up a little, but dropped again, this time down to 11. A second transfusion was needed and this time, immunoglobulin was added. If this didn't work, there was no hope for Murray. The IMHA was killing him and the second transfusion just bought him a little more time. We weren't ready to say goodbye, so having nothing to lose, I desperately started researching IMHA on line. Nothing short of "Divine Intervention" led me to this wonderful website and it's promising testimonials of other people who's dogs had this fatal disease. It seemed too good to be true, but I called and spoke to Maria. I was crying and could barely talk, but Maria's compassion calmed me down and quickly and confidently talked about the protocol for him. It gave me such hope that I wanted to get the products in him ASAP. We ordered everything she recommended and had it shipped overnight. We really loaded him up on Chlor-Oxygen and Bio-Prep F3 numerous times a day, and because he still had no appetite, we had to administer it directly into his mouth every time. After a few days, he started to eat small meals, which seemed like a miracle to us. He had lost 10 lbs in a couple of months and we were thrilled to see him start to eat and drink again. He loves sweets, so, because he's diabetic, I bought him Glucerna and mixed it with a little sugar free ice cream and he lapped it up! Murray was on his way back to us!!
Slowly and steadily, with Maria's help and guidance, his number began to climb. On March 22nd, his number was 11 and we thought we would lose him. He continued to improve from the day he started these products and on May 11, his red blood count reached 50!!! He has continued to improve and his blood count is steadily in the mid 40's, which is fantastic for a dog with all his issues. His appetite and energy are back and he is now at a healthy weight. We have been able to reduce some of his supplements, as per Maria, and our vet, (who is wonderful) is becoming a believer in natural products. Murray is only on a couple of prescription drugs now (he was on a ton!) which we have been slowly reducing because he is doing so well on these products. If it weren't for Maria, her husband Phil and their expertise in this field, so many people would be mourning the loss of their pets. For anyone reading this who has any doubt as to the healing power of these products, please, give them a try. Murray is a celebrity around town and had lots of people praying for him. He became known as the "Miracle Dog" and is living proof that natural products CAN and DO heal from the inside out.
He's happier and healthier than he's ever been and there's no doubt that these products are responsible.
We owe a debt of gratitude to Maria and Phil for saving our Murray's life and can't thank you enough.
Linda and Frank
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