• Top 10 Tips to Help You with Natural Flea and Tick Control

    1). Select truly natural products Unfortunately, there are manufacturers that utilize popular terms, like “natural”, in order to lure you to their products; after all that is the purpose of marketing. It is important that consumers read labels because what is marketed as natural may not be entirely that when you read the ingredient panel. If you don’t know what an ingredient is do...
  • Taurine for Dogs and Cats

      What is taurine for dogs and cats? Taurine is an amino sulfonic acid, but it is often referred to as an amino acid, a chemical that is a required building block of protein. Taurine is found in large amounts in the brain, retina, heart, and blood cells called platelets. The best food sources for taurine are meat and fish. In most animals it...
  • Safe Lawns for your Pets

    Many dogs frequently play in the yard, walk on neighbors lawns or use the park. While they are outside, they may be exposed to the chemicals used to treat lawns. Approximately 67% of Americans treat their lawns to pesticides and herbicides. These chemicals can cause serious health problems not only in dogs, but also in people. Some of the problems that can be caused...
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