Our Systemic Enzyme Formula for dogs is a unique enzyme blend developed to help relieve a number of very common imbalances your canine may experience during the course of his lifetime. Systemic enzymes are taken between meals providing anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, cardiovascular and immune enhancing benefits. This differentiates them from digestive enzymes that are taken with meals to promote healthy digestion.
Our formula was developed after years of work with systemic enzymes on various pet and human imbalances such as arthritis, injury, allergies, autoimmune conditions and Candida overgrowth. This special formula is one-of-a-kind, there is nothing else like it in the pet marketplace. It contains a specialized blend of enzymes that will work to promote numerous beneficial effects on your dog's health.
Your animal doesn't have to have a condition to realize the benefits from using systemic enzyme supplementation. Our family makes them part of our daily protocol because of their numerous health benefits. These benefits range from reducing unhealthy levels of inflammation in the body to maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system by promoting healthy blood pressure and reducing platelet aggregation factor (PAF) for less sticky blood platelets that minimize the risk of heart attack and stroke.
*These enzymes are for dogs only because the capsules are not meant to be opened and are best swallowed whole. This would be very hard to do with a cat!
Important Benefits Systemic Enzymes Provide Your Dog
Removal of harmful proteins helps to prevent damage to joint cartilage and as a result greatly reduces inflammation. Very effective in our years of work with these enzymes!
Digests waste products in tissue reducing the workload on the immune system allowing more energy to be directed to cancer and other disease prevention.
Antifibrinolytic activity helps reduce sticky blood platelets and dissolve blood clots helping to keep blood healthy and reduce the chances of heart attack and stroke.
Antifungal activity is provided by cellulase and betaglucanase that digest the outer shell of fungi, like Candida allbicans, helping to reduce levels of this organism without the toxic effects that other fungal remedies can cause.
Proteases and amylase provide antiallergic properties that help to reduce the amount of inflammatory chemicals, like histamine, circulating in the blood stream.
Break the antibody-antigen bond that plays a role in allergy symptoms and autoimmune disease. An increase in autoantibodies circulating in the blood is a side effect of vaccinations and responsible for many disease states that are common in our canine companions.
Pet Health Concerns or Imbalances This Product May be Helpful for:
Autoimmune conditions
Pain due to arthritis or injury
Injury or soreness due to over-activity
Post surgery recovery
Cardiovascular health
Skin conditions
Fungus related issues
Suspected Candida albicans overgrowth
Blood cleansing
Bacterial or viral infections
Chronic illness
Periodontal disease
We formulate our products to not only be the best pet supplements available, but also to accomplish the specific health related goals we require of them. Please note that all of The Pet Health and Nutrition Center products are highly researched and formulated by a Certified Master Herbalist, not by an ingredient co-packing company as is frequently done in the supplement industry. Compare our product with similar products on the market.
What to Look for in a Superior Systemic Enzyme Product...
✓ Plant Sourced Enzymes
Our enzyme formula uses a variety of plant-based enzymes that will work the most efficiently with your dog or cat's physiology. Enzymes from plant sources, many of which are grown in specialized laboratory settings, remain active, or can reactivate after passing through the acidic environment of the stomach. This is important because animal sourced enzymes do not share this quality and are deactivated by stomach acid. Systemic enzymes must remain active to be absorbed through the lining of the small intestine to reach the blood stream.
✓ No Unhealthy Additives
Our formula is made with all-natural, whole food ingredients. Absent are the fillers that increase packaging bulk and "flow agents" that make manufacturing faster and easier. Ingredients we avoid, but many of our competitors do not, include lactose, magnesium stearate, maltodextrin, stearic acid, calcium stearate, scorbyl palmitate, silicon dioxide, and microcrystalline cellulose among others.
✓ Manufactured in a USA GMP Certified Facility
Our Systemic Enzyme formula is manufactured right here in the USA in a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards certified facility. Not all of our competitors products can state that especially those manufactured in China where these standards are not followed.
✓ Use only Human Grade Ingredients
Our products are manufactured using human grade ingredients. In the pet industry this is far from the rule as many companies use pet quality ingredients, those considered "not fit for human consumption".
Compare our Formula
Our Formula | Medizym Fido | |
Strength | 3X the Strength | Average |
Number of Plant Based Enzyme Types | 12 | 2 |
Important Antioxidant Enzyme | Yes - Catalase | None |
Contains Rutin | Yes | Yes |
Undesirable Additives | None | Several including stearic acid and natural flavor |
Active Ingredients per Capsule...260 mg
Bromelain - 3,500,000 FCCPU
Papain - 500,000 FCCPU
Protease 4.5 - 15,000 HUT
Protease 6.0 - 10,000 HUT
Amylase - 500 DU
Lipase - 100 FIP
Cellulase - 10,000 CU
Hemicellulase - 6,500 HCU
Glucoamylase - 4 AGU
Beta-glucanase - 8 BGU
Nattokinase - 42 NKFU
Catalase - 15 Baker
Rutin - 25 mg
Trace Mineral Blend...8 mg
Inactive Ingredients: rice bran, gelatin and water (capsule)
About the Ingredients in Our FormulaBromelain - Derived from the pineapple, bromelain was approved in Europe as an effective remedy for swelling after surgery. Research shows that the bromelain enzyme may lower swelling, stop bruising, speed up healing time, and reduce discomfort in individuals following surgical procedures. One double-blind study of over 150 women who received episiotomies (surgical cuts in the perineum) during childbirth, found that women given large servings of oral bromelain over a period of 3 days, beginning 4 hours after delivery, showed a huge decrease in swelling, and discomfort. Ninety percent of women taking the supplement showed excellent recovery compared to 44% of women in the placebo group. These properties make bromelain an effective remedy for helping to alleviate pain associated with osteoarthritis and reduce swelling resulting from strains and sprains.
Papain - Derived from papaya, this enzyme demonstrates broad proteolitic activity over a wide pH range and effectively reduces swelling when used systemically. Studies have shown that papain possesses strongly marked anti-inflammatory activity, and this ability is no less than that of the pharmaceutical drugs, butadion and indomethacin. Papain is also used for treating parasitic worms, shingles, and psoriasis, as well as being used along with conventional treatments for tumors.
Protease 4.5 & 6.0 - More proteases to help further support the action of the bromelain and papain. These enzymes have great potential for the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions, because they can interfere with parts of the inflammation cascade; thus breaking the self-sustaining inflammatory cycle. Research shows they also play a role in breaking the antigen-antibody bond that is associated with autoimmune conditions.
Amylase - These enzymes have been shown to play a role in the reduction of histamine. An animal's allergy symptoms may be related to an amylase deficiency, therefore by providing amylase between meals you can help lowere histamine and other inflammatory substances in the body thereby helping to reduce allergy symptoms.
Lipase - Is a fat digesting enzyme that has been included in this formula to help reduce excess blood triglycerides and the growth of fatty lipomas that are associated with dietary intake of poor quality fats and oils and toxin accumulation in adipose tissue.
Cellulase and Hemicellulase - Dogs and cats do not produce enzymes needed to digest cellulose. Cellulase enzymes aid in the total digestion of plant-based foods and increase the nutritional value of those foods. The important reason for inclusion in this formula is to reduce the proliferation of Candida albicans. Candida is a fungus naturally occurring in the body, but which can over grow following the use of antibiotics and inhabit the upper intestines and skin. Being a fungus it has an external shell mad of chitin in part being comprised of cellulose. The cellulase enzyme in this formula will help to digest this outer shell killing the fungi while releasing less toxins than would be created if a yeast killing herb or other product was used.
Glucoamylase - This enzyme has been shown to aid in easing the negative effects of irritable bowel syndrome and other common symptoms as nausea, vomiting, gas, heartburn, bloating and loss of appetite. Studies also show that glucoamylase can also lower autoimmunity responses. In the case of autoimmune diseases, antigens and antibodies, when not cleared out over time, can create tissue damage in the body. This can lead to diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and some types of kidney disease.
Beta-Glucanase - This enzyme represents a group of carbohydrate enzymes which break down glycosidic bonds within beta-glucan. These glucans also create up to 60% of the cell wall of many forms of fungal organisms such as Candida albicans. Animals suffering from an overgrowth of the candida fungus (a condition also known as candidiasis) may benefit from taking beta-glucanase. Candida albicans overgowth is often notoriously difficult to eliminate because of its inherent ability to resist antimicrobial agents. Sadly, many dogs and cats are treated for digestive problems and infections with prolonged and high-dose antibiotics. This can actually increase Candida’s ability to become even more antibiotic-resistant. Beta-glucanase is an enzyme that has been found to be particularly useful in reducing the coating or biofilm of Candida that can grow in the digestive tract.
Nattokinase - The organism that produces nattokinase was originally discovered in a fermented soy food called natto, a traditional fermented soybean food that is very popular in Japan. Nattokinase is a powerful proteolytic enzyme that has been shown in studies to help prevent the build up of fibrin in blood vessels that occurs as we age. Helps to maintain healthy blood pressure and because of its fibrinolytic activity is believed to reduce the chance of heart attack and stroke.
Catalase - Catalases are perhaps the single most efficient enzymes found in the cells of an animal's body. These enzymes act to protect cells, counteracting and balancing the continual production of hydrogen peroxide which, in excess, has been associated with premature greying of the hair. Catalase is currently being studied for its applications on extending life span and vitality. Research scientists from the University of Washington in Seattle conducted a lab study on rats and the augmentation of natural catalase in their bodies. By supplementing with increased catalase, the life span of these laboratory rats increased by almost 20%. This is the equivalent of nearly 25 human years.
Rutin - A good source of quercetin with strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Rutin also has the ability to chelate metal ions thereby reducing the production of free radicals. Animal studies have shown that rutin has preventive and healing effects with some indications that it can inhibit some cancerous and pre-cancerous conditions.
Trace Mineral Blend - Enzyme science has come a long way, and our plant-sourced enzymes are able to survive their journey through the stomach to activate in the small intestine. Having said that, when it comes to proteolytic enzymes, most of them (other than pepsin) work best in a slightly acidic to slightly alkaline environment. Optimizing that environment is important for maximizing the beneficial effects of our formula. (Note: enterically coating a capsule does nothing to change the actual environment.)
Our Trace Mineral Blend provides important minerals that act as a buffer providing numerous health benefits, but the primary one for our purpose with systemic enzymes is that it helps optimize the pH of soft tissue creating an environment that increases the activity of enzymes and the health benefits they can offer.
A body will do anything to keep the blood's pH in a narrow range. It will steal minerals from soft tissue to prevent blood from changing pH if a diet is too acid forming--as are most unfortunately. If a diet is high in meat (raw food diets are balanced by the minerals in bone remember. That is why the calcium/phosphorous ratio is so important), dairy, cooked grains, or processed foods, then the diet is indeed too acid forming. The bottom line is that by raising soft tissue pH, you dramatically improve the ability of proteolytic enzymes to root out CIC's (Circulating Immune Complexes) that are related to allergies, inflammation and autoimmune conditions.

Suggested Use for General Wellness:
*For Dogs Only
Systemic enzymes must be taken on an empty stomach either 30 - 45 minutes before eating or two hours after. One capsule in the morning and one in the evening for a total of two per 25 lbs. Dipping in a small amount of almond butter or pumpkin rather than meat is best (this is because the proteolytic enzymes will begin to work on the meat and be less effective for the work we want them to do later). This is to encourage your dog to take the capsule. The capsule should be swallowed and not chewed.
Intensive Use for various Health Challenges:
Add an afternoon dosage to help deal with more severe inflammatory, immune and numerous other health challenges when needed. For acute traumatic injury you may double the usual dosage for short periods.
Can't get a capsule into your dog?
Then use a small amount (about 1/2 tsp) of non-protein food like apple sauce or pumpkin. Empty the contents of the capsule and blend into the food very well.
Dog Weight | Morning Capsule(s) | Evening Capsule(s) |
4 - 7 lbs | 0 | 1 capsule every other day |
8 - 15 lbs | 0 | 1 |
20 - 25 lbs | 1 | 1 |
30 - 40 lbs | 1 | 2 |
45 - 50 lbs | 2 | 2 |
55 - 65 lbs | 2 | 3 |
70 - 75 lbs | 3 | 3 |
80 - 90 lbs | 3 | 4 |
95 - 100 lbs | 4 | 4 |
105-125 lbs | 5 | 5 |
130 - 150 lbs | 6 | 6 |
Important: These enzymes are anti-fibrinolytic, so they dissolve excess fibrin that plays a role in blood clotting. For this reason discontinue use before any surgery, with certain blood thinning medications and consult your veterinarian for medical conditions in which blood thinning would be contraindicated such as anemia or bleeding disorders.
Extra Tip: Find your dog's optimum dose with the important thing being to reach the appropriate dosage where signs of discomfort are reduced. It may be the maintenance dose or your dog may need to be on double the maintenance dose to relieve his discomfort. A mistake people often make is to give half the dosage for one reason or another. You do not want to do that here, but instead give enough to notice your pet is feeling better and then you can reduce the dosage as desired paying close attention to the stiffness or discomfort your animal is experiencing.
For example your doge is on two enzymes twice per day. You try to reduce the dosage to one in the morning and two at night. Within a day or two you notice your dog is looking a little stiffer going up stairs and realize the need for four enzymes daily because three was not enough. These enzymes are water soluble and excesses are removed by the body in 24-48 hrs so they are very safe. Feel free to contact us if you need help with a dosage.
It is very important to give these enzymes on an empty stomach. If this is not done they will begin to digest food in the stomach and be less effective for the work in the GI tract and blood stream that we want them to do. Provide systemic enzymes to your dog first thing in the morning as you awake and then immediately before bedtime. For more intense use another dose can also be given in the afternoon. You want to use as little treat as you can to get your animal to take the enzyme. We use a dab of almond butter and our dogs just swallow them right down.
Storage: Store at room temperature away from heat and moisture.